1998 Thread Pages

Threads are still in the processed of being archived here. Check back once and awhile, and look for new(ly dated "Added On") threads.


The threads designated ExE (Episode by Episode) and BxB (Book by Book), though linked here, have their own dedicated archive, with a special layout, and the episode threads themselves rendered into a more HTMLized and attractive rendition than the Thread Pages versions linked to from here. The ExE Archive section is highly recommended!

Thread Dates                                   Subject                        Size  Added On
-----------------------------    ------------------------------------------- -----  --------

                                 ---- JANUARY 1998 ----                       (10)
01/01 - 01/12                    ExE: 'Another Time, Another Place'            69K  03/07/98
01/07 - 01/09                    Favorite Spaceships                            5K  03/26/98
01/10,, 01/17 - 01/19            Alpha Technical Data Center                    4K  04/27/98
01/12 - 01/13                    'Your' First Episode                           6K  03/28/98
01/13 - 01/18                    ExE: 'Missing Link'                           90K  03/12/98
01/15                            'Astheria' vs. 'Atheria'                       2K  03/28/98
01/18 - 01/25                    ExE: 'Guardian of Piri'                      104K  03/14/98
01/25 - 02/02                    ExE: 'Force of Life'                          60K  06/11/98
01/27 - 02/03                    Compilation 'Movies'                          29K  04/19/98
01/31 - 02/04                    Where Are the Stars? / Blue Screen             8K  04/19/98

                                 ---- FEBRUARY 1998 ----                      (07)
02/01 - 02/08                    ExE: 'Alpha Child'                            65K  04/27/98
02/03 - 02/11,, 02/16            Conventions                                   24K  07/05/98
02/08 - 02/11,, 02/16            ExE: 'The Last Sunset'                        37K  06/11/98
02/14 - 02/24                    ExE: 'Voyager's Return'                       70K  06/11/98
02/16 - 02/26                    Eagle Lateral Stabilizers                     44K  06/07/98
02/23 - 03/01                    ExE: 'Collision Course'                       23K  06/11/98
02/27 - 03/10                    Campaign Updates                              10K  02/01/99
02/01 - 02/28                    miscellaneous notes/mini-threads              22K  12/05/98

                                 ---- MARCH 1998 ----                         (14)
03/02                            Novelizations                                  6K  11/14/98
03/02 - 03/09                    ExE: 'Collision Course'                       59K  06/11/98
03/04 - 03/12                    1999 Movie Month (and Related Bits)           11K  11/14/98
03/05 - 03/08                    Lightbulb Humor                               12K  07/14/98
03/06 - 03/07                    Uniform Sleeve Colors                          3K  11/14/98
03/07 - 03/16                    ExE: 'The Full Circle'                        64K  06/11/98
03/11 - 03/16                    "Episode by Episode" Archiving                 7K  02/01/99
03/14 - 03/25                    Various Bits on Merchandise/Collectables      12K  02/01/99
03/15 - 03/25                    ExE: 'End of Eternity                         37K  06/08/98
03/21 - 03/28                    ExE: 'War Games'                              40K  06/10/98
03/25 - 03/30                    Space: 1999 Wish List                         11K  02/01/99
03/25 - 03/29,, 04/09            Space: 2099 / Movie / Past Syndication        27K  02/01/99
03/30 - 04/04                    ExE: 'The Last Enemy'                         56K  06/10/98
03/01 - 03/31                    miscellaneous notes/mini-threads               5K  02/01/99

                                 ---- APRIL 1998 ----                         (04)
04/06 - 04/12,, 04/19 - 04/20    ExE: 'The Troubled Spirit'                    28K  06/10/98
04/13 - 04/19                    ExE: 'Space Brain'                            32K  06/10/98
04/21 - 04/28                    ExE: 'The Infernal Machine'                   81K  10/15/98
04/29 - 05/06                    ExE: 'Mission of the Darians'                 46K  11/16/98

                                 ---- MAY 1998 ----                           (14)
05/04 - 05/13                    ExE: 'Dragon's Domain'                        33K  01/07/99
05/06 - 05/08                    Y1 Series Progression?                        57K  11/16/98
05/11 - 05/13                    OT: What People Are Reading                   13K  12/06/98
05/11 - 05/18,, 05/27            ExE: 'Testament of Arkadia'                   53K  12/21/98
05/15 - 05/20                    The MUF, Space: 1999, and Star Trek           33K  12/06/98
05/17 - 05/19                    Eagle Aerodynamics                            29K  02/03/08
05/18 - 05/23                    BxB (Book by Book): Alien Seed                40K  02/03/08
05/19 - 05/22,, 05/26 - 05/29    Freiberger and Friends                       100K  12/06/98
05/21 - 05/24                    Brian the Brain                                7K  12/08/98
05/24 - 06/05                    BxB: Android Planet                           48K  12/21/98
05/24 - 06/10                    Cross-Adventures, Fan Fiction                 38K  12/21/98
05/27 - 06/08                    BxB: Rogue Planet                             26K  02/03/08
05/29 - 06/04                    BBC, Cult TV, SFX Reviews and More            36K  12/21/98
05/30 - 06/02                    Landau's Portrayal of Koenig                  31K  12/08/98

                                 ---- JUNE 1998 ----                          (10)
06/08,, 06/14 - 06/16            BxB: Phoenix of Megaron                       40K  02/03/08
06/09 - 06/10                    Ultima Thule Sure Gets Around                  4K  12/28/98
06/12 - 06/13                    Video Phones... Why?                          11K  12/28/98
06/13 - 06/14                    Comics                                         5K  12/28/98
06/13 - 06/21                    Memories and Biographies                      71K  12/28/98
06/15 - 06/23                    ExE: 'The Metamorph'                         125K  01/11/99
06/16 - 06/22                    Maya = Saturday Morning?                      32K  02/01/99
06/19 - 06/22                    Marketing Space: 1999                         49K  01/10/99
06/22 - 07/01                    ExE: 'The Exiles'                             40K  02/01/99
06/29 - 07/02                    ExE: 'One Moment of Humanity'                 23K  02/01/99

                                 ---- JULY 1998 ----                          (11)
07/02                            Wandering Planets' Atmospheres                15K  07/14/98
07/07 - 07/13                    ExE: 'All That Glisters'                      57K  02/01/99
07/06 - 07/09,, 07/13 - 07/23    ExE: 'Journey to Where'                       71K  02/01/99
07/10 - 07/16                    'Exploring Space:1999', Dubbing, Terpiloff    19K  02/01/99
07/18 - 07/21                    Just Another Point of View...                 19K  02/01/99
07/20 - 07/22,, 07/27            Real Lunar Astronauts [mostly OT]              5K  06/13/99
07/20 - 07/27                    ExE: 'The Taybor'                            100K  02/01/99
07/27 - 07/28                    More Random Questions [Mostly about Tony]      8K  06/13/99
07/27 - 08/03                    ExE: 'The Rules of Luton'                    121K  09/09/99
07/28 - 07/29                    Space Rumors? + Landau Blacklisting?          11K  06/13/99
07/30 - 08/01                    Psychoanalyzing Freiberger?                   20K  09/09/99

                                 ---- AUGUST 1998 ----                        (11)
08/02 - 08/11                    ExE: 'The Mark of Archanon'                   84K  09/19/99
08/04 - 08/06                    Obsession With Episode (+ 'Space Warp')       18K  01/10/99
08/05 - 08/13                    Dragon's Domain -- Classic or Sitcom?         68K  01/07/99
08/09 - 08/13                    ExE: 'Brian the Brain'                        53K  09/19/99
08/12 - 08/13                    OT: Isaac Asimov                               8K  09/19/99
08/13 - 08/17                    OT: Jack Ronder, The Survivors                 8K  09/19/99
08/18 - 08/24                    ExE: 'New Adam New Eve                        54K  09/09/99
08/20 - 08/29                    Year Two Music (plus some Y1)                 18K  09/19/99
08/24 - 09/04                    ExE: 'AB Chrysalis'                           56K  08/05/99
08/28                            Y2 Command Structure                           3K  08/05/99
08/30 - 09/01                    OT: Planet Classes                             4K  08/05/99

                                 ---- SEPTEMBER 1998 ----                     (10)
09/01                            Smallest Nitpick? Trading Cards Update         5K  08/05/99
09/02 - 09/11                    ExE: 'Catacombs of the Moon'                  62K  09/19/99
09/08 - 09/14                    ExE: 'Seed of Destruction'                    55K  08/06/99
09/09 - 09/11                    Rejected BBC Award for Cybrary                29K  09/19/99
09/09 - 09/12                    Ring Around the Catacombs of the Moon        103K  08/05/99
09/14 - 09/23                    ExE: 'The Beta Cloud'                        148K  09/19/99
09/22 - 09/27                    ExE: 'A Matter of Balance'                    31K  10/11/99
09/26 - 09/28                    Who Wrote 'Dorzak'?                            9K  10/11/99
09/28 - 10/01                    Why Watch It?                                 55K  09/19/99
09/28 - 10/05                    ExE: 'Space Warp'                             37K  10/11/99

                                 ---- OCTOBER 1998 ----                       (05)
10/01 - 10/06                    If You Could Have Been in Any Episode          8K  10/11/99
10/01 - 10/08                    Mostly OT: Space Babes and Hunks              72K  10/11/99
10/04 - 10/06                    Calendar Controversy                           8K  10/11/99
10/20 - 10/25,, 11/01            ExE: 'The Lambda Factor'                      30K  10/11/99
10/26 - 11/04                    ExE: 'Seance Spectre'                         27K  10/12/99

                                 ---- NOVEMBER 1998 ----                      (08)
11/02 - 11/13                    ExE: 'Dorzak'                                 90K  10/12/99
11/05 - 11/14                    Year One vs. Year Two                        108K  10/12/99
11/09 - 11/10                    Fageolle's Book on Space: 1999                12K  10/17/99
11/09 - 11/16                    ExE: 'Devil's Planet'                         48K  10/17/99
11/15 - 11/16                    Helena's Role on Alpha                         7K  10/12/99
11/19 - 11/23                    ExE: 'The Immunity Syndrome'                  48K  10/17/99
11/23 - 11/30                    ExE: 'The Dorcons'                            96K  10/18/99
11/29 - 12/02                    Intellectualizing 1999                        18K  10/18/99

                                 ---- DECEMBER 1998 ----                      (02)
12/07 - 12/08                    Another RATM Thread                           12K  09/21/07
12/08 - 12/09                    "Infernal Machine" Comments                   23K  02/03/08

                                 ---- LONG-TERM or FREQUENT THREADS ----      (04)
                                 Trivia                                        21K  02/01/99
                                 S19 Cast/Crew in Other Roles                  28K  12/05/98
                                 S19 Website Developments                      24K  04/27/98
                                 Real Science                                  11K  12/05/98

There is also a full, non-threaded, archive for the list at ftp://ftp.buffnet.net/space1999-digest.archive/. That archive of course has the advantages of being complete and up-to-date; but has the disadvantages of being unthreaded and noisy (too much quoting, some flames, OT messages, etc.).