The threads designated ExE (Episode by Episode) and BxB (Book by Book), though linked here, have their own dedicated archive, with a special layout, and the episode threads themselves rendered into a more HTMLized and attractive rendition than the Thread Pages versions linked to from here. The ExE Archive section is highly recommended!
Thread Dates Subject Size Added On ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----- -------- ---- JANUARY 1998 ---- (10) 01/01 - 01/12 ExE: 'Another Time, Another Place' 69K 03/07/98 01/07 - 01/09 Favorite Spaceships 5K 03/26/98 01/10,, 01/17 - 01/19 Alpha Technical Data Center 4K 04/27/98 01/12 - 01/13 'Your' First Episode 6K 03/28/98 01/13 - 01/18 ExE: 'Missing Link' 90K 03/12/98 01/15 'Astheria' vs. 'Atheria' 2K 03/28/98 01/18 - 01/25 ExE: 'Guardian of Piri' 104K 03/14/98 01/25 - 02/02 ExE: 'Force of Life' 60K 06/11/98 01/27 - 02/03 Compilation 'Movies' 29K 04/19/98 01/31 - 02/04 Where Are the Stars? / Blue Screen 8K 04/19/98 ---- FEBRUARY 1998 ---- (07) 02/01 - 02/08 ExE: 'Alpha Child' 65K 04/27/98 02/03 - 02/11,, 02/16 Conventions 24K 07/05/98 02/08 - 02/11,, 02/16 ExE: 'The Last Sunset' 37K 06/11/98 02/14 - 02/24 ExE: 'Voyager's Return' 70K 06/11/98 02/16 - 02/26 Eagle Lateral Stabilizers 44K 06/07/98 02/23 - 03/01 ExE: 'Collision Course' 23K 06/11/98 02/27 - 03/10 Campaign Updates 10K 02/01/99 02/01 - 02/28 miscellaneous notes/mini-threads 22K 12/05/98 ---- MARCH 1998 ---- (14) 03/02 Novelizations 6K 11/14/98 03/02 - 03/09 ExE: 'Collision Course' 59K 06/11/98 03/04 - 03/12 1999 Movie Month (and Related Bits) 11K 11/14/98 03/05 - 03/08 Lightbulb Humor 12K 07/14/98 03/06 - 03/07 Uniform Sleeve Colors 3K 11/14/98 03/07 - 03/16 ExE: 'The Full Circle' 64K 06/11/98 03/11 - 03/16 "Episode by Episode" Archiving 7K 02/01/99 03/14 - 03/25 Various Bits on Merchandise/Collectables 12K 02/01/99 03/15 - 03/25 ExE: 'End of Eternity 37K 06/08/98 03/21 - 03/28 ExE: 'War Games' 40K 06/10/98 03/25 - 03/30 Space: 1999 Wish List 11K 02/01/99 03/25 - 03/29,, 04/09 Space: 2099 / Movie / Past Syndication 27K 02/01/99 03/30 - 04/04 ExE: 'The Last Enemy' 56K 06/10/98 03/01 - 03/31 miscellaneous notes/mini-threads 5K 02/01/99 ---- APRIL 1998 ---- (04) 04/06 - 04/12,, 04/19 - 04/20 ExE: 'The Troubled Spirit' 28K 06/10/98 04/13 - 04/19 ExE: 'Space Brain' 32K 06/10/98 04/21 - 04/28 ExE: 'The Infernal Machine' 81K 10/15/98 04/29 - 05/06 ExE: 'Mission of the Darians' 46K 11/16/98 ---- MAY 1998 ---- (14) 05/04 - 05/13 ExE: 'Dragon's Domain' 33K 01/07/99 05/06 - 05/08 Y1 Series Progression? 57K 11/16/98 05/11 - 05/13 OT: What People Are Reading 13K 12/06/98 05/11 - 05/18,, 05/27 ExE: 'Testament of Arkadia' 53K 12/21/98 05/15 - 05/20 The MUF, Space: 1999, and Star Trek 33K 12/06/98 05/17 - 05/19 Eagle Aerodynamics 29K 02/03/08 05/18 - 05/23 BxB (Book by Book): Alien Seed 40K 02/03/08 05/19 - 05/22,, 05/26 - 05/29 Freiberger and Friends 100K 12/06/98 05/21 - 05/24 Brian the Brain 7K 12/08/98 05/24 - 06/05 BxB: Android Planet 48K 12/21/98 05/24 - 06/10 Cross-Adventures, Fan Fiction 38K 12/21/98 05/27 - 06/08 BxB: Rogue Planet 26K 02/03/08 05/29 - 06/04 BBC, Cult TV, SFX Reviews and More 36K 12/21/98 05/30 - 06/02 Landau's Portrayal of Koenig 31K 12/08/98 ---- JUNE 1998 ---- (10) 06/08,, 06/14 - 06/16 BxB: Phoenix of Megaron 40K 02/03/08 06/09 - 06/10 Ultima Thule Sure Gets Around 4K 12/28/98 06/12 - 06/13 Video Phones... Why? 11K 12/28/98 06/13 - 06/14 Comics 5K 12/28/98 06/13 - 06/21 Memories and Biographies 71K 12/28/98 06/15 - 06/23 ExE: 'The Metamorph' 125K 01/11/99 06/16 - 06/22 Maya = Saturday Morning? 32K 02/01/99 06/19 - 06/22 Marketing Space: 1999 49K 01/10/99 06/22 - 07/01 ExE: 'The Exiles' 40K 02/01/99 06/29 - 07/02 ExE: 'One Moment of Humanity' 23K 02/01/99 ---- JULY 1998 ---- (11) 07/02 Wandering Planets' Atmospheres 15K 07/14/98 07/07 - 07/13 ExE: 'All That Glisters' 57K 02/01/99 07/06 - 07/09,, 07/13 - 07/23 ExE: 'Journey to Where' 71K 02/01/99 07/10 - 07/16 'Exploring Space:1999', Dubbing, Terpiloff 19K 02/01/99 07/18 - 07/21 Just Another Point of View... 19K 02/01/99 07/20 - 07/22,, 07/27 Real Lunar Astronauts [mostly OT] 5K 06/13/99 07/20 - 07/27 ExE: 'The Taybor' 100K 02/01/99 07/27 - 07/28 More Random Questions [Mostly about Tony] 8K 06/13/99 07/27 - 08/03 ExE: 'The Rules of Luton' 121K 09/09/99 07/28 - 07/29 Space Rumors? + Landau Blacklisting? 11K 06/13/99 07/30 - 08/01 Psychoanalyzing Freiberger? 20K 09/09/99 ---- AUGUST 1998 ---- (11) 08/02 - 08/11 ExE: 'The Mark of Archanon' 84K 09/19/99 08/04 - 08/06 Obsession With Episode (+ 'Space Warp') 18K 01/10/99 08/05 - 08/13 Dragon's Domain -- Classic or Sitcom? 68K 01/07/99 08/09 - 08/13 ExE: 'Brian the Brain' 53K 09/19/99 08/12 - 08/13 OT: Isaac Asimov 8K 09/19/99 08/13 - 08/17 OT: Jack Ronder, The Survivors 8K 09/19/99 08/18 - 08/24 ExE: 'New Adam New Eve 54K 09/09/99 08/20 - 08/29 Year Two Music (plus some Y1) 18K 09/19/99 08/24 - 09/04 ExE: 'AB Chrysalis' 56K 08/05/99 08/28 Y2 Command Structure 3K 08/05/99 08/30 - 09/01 OT: Planet Classes 4K 08/05/99 ---- SEPTEMBER 1998 ---- (10) 09/01 Smallest Nitpick? Trading Cards Update 5K 08/05/99 09/02 - 09/11 ExE: 'Catacombs of the Moon' 62K 09/19/99 09/08 - 09/14 ExE: 'Seed of Destruction' 55K 08/06/99 09/09 - 09/11 Rejected BBC Award for Cybrary 29K 09/19/99 09/09 - 09/12 Ring Around the Catacombs of the Moon 103K 08/05/99 09/14 - 09/23 ExE: 'The Beta Cloud' 148K 09/19/99 09/22 - 09/27 ExE: 'A Matter of Balance' 31K 10/11/99 09/26 - 09/28 Who Wrote 'Dorzak'? 9K 10/11/99 09/28 - 10/01 Why Watch It? 55K 09/19/99 09/28 - 10/05 ExE: 'Space Warp' 37K 10/11/99 ---- OCTOBER 1998 ---- (05) 10/01 - 10/06 If You Could Have Been in Any Episode 8K 10/11/99 10/01 - 10/08 Mostly OT: Space Babes and Hunks 72K 10/11/99 10/04 - 10/06 Calendar Controversy 8K 10/11/99 10/20 - 10/25,, 11/01 ExE: 'The Lambda Factor' 30K 10/11/99 10/26 - 11/04 ExE: 'Seance Spectre' 27K 10/12/99 ---- NOVEMBER 1998 ---- (08) 11/02 - 11/13 ExE: 'Dorzak' 90K 10/12/99 11/05 - 11/14 Year One vs. Year Two 108K 10/12/99 11/09 - 11/10 Fageolle's Book on Space: 1999 12K 10/17/99 11/09 - 11/16 ExE: 'Devil's Planet' 48K 10/17/99 11/15 - 11/16 Helena's Role on Alpha 7K 10/12/99 11/19 - 11/23 ExE: 'The Immunity Syndrome' 48K 10/17/99 11/23 - 11/30 ExE: 'The Dorcons' 96K 10/18/99 11/29 - 12/02 Intellectualizing 1999 18K 10/18/99 ---- DECEMBER 1998 ---- (02) 12/07 - 12/08 Another RATM Thread 12K 09/21/07 12/08 - 12/09 "Infernal Machine" Comments 23K 02/03/08 ---- LONG-TERM or FREQUENT THREADS ---- (04) Trivia 21K 02/01/99 S19 Cast/Crew in Other Roles 28K 12/05/98 S19 Website Developments 24K 04/27/98 Real Science 11K 12/05/98There is also a full, non-threaded, archive for the list at That archive of course has the advantages of being complete and up-to-date; but has the disadvantages of being unthreaded and noisy (too much quoting, some flames, OT messages, etc.).