Illnesses of various sorts are shown throughout the series.
This can include almost any non-injury medical situation.
- "Breakaway":
Numerous Meta Probe astronauts are dying from
what is sometimes thought to be either disease or radiation.
Most who suffer the illness have a sudden brain embolism(?),
become destructively claustrophobic,
then collapse and later suffer brain death,
and have to be allowed to die.
Doppelgangers of Alpha and Alphans are created.
When two Helenas come into close contact,
one (an older alternate) soon dies.
- "Journey to Where":
Helena becomes infected with
a fever-inducing illness on
Earth of the past.
She realizes a potential cure,
but before it can take full effect,
the locals believe she is carrying a plague
and order her,
John, and
Alan(?) burned.
They are rescued after a signal from the party
through time to Alpha is correctly interpreted and
Texas City is able to pull
the Alphans back through time to Alpha.
- "The Beta Cloud":
Numerous Alphans weaken and collapse, including
Cmdr. Koenig,
leaving few to deal with an invading space creature.
- "Space Warp":
Maya is feverish and delusional,
having horrible nightmares, and in her lucid moments,
begging to be restrained because she feels she is
"beginning to lose molecular control"
(losing control over her
metamorphic abilities)
and fears she could become dangerous.
Indeed, this is exactly what happens.
In delusion, she is trying to reach
and transforms into whatever might get her to
She is nearly killed on Alan's initial orders,
him not realizing why a rampaging creature has
appeared on Alpha so soon after the space warp.
It is either meaningful or coincidental that
Maya is ill during proximity to the worst space warp
the Moon has gone through.
- "The Virus" (fanfic)