Fan Fiction
- fanfic
- FF
- fanzines (sort of; see the link)
Fiction written by
fans of the series,
either as extensions/bridges/embeds in the overall
story line of the series, or as
alternate scenarios
of varying similarities and/or differences to the series.
- There are several websites specifically devoted to S19 fanfic,
rather than this KB, which is only a partial a generally
very brief listing of some fanfics the Editor has read,
written (as an author), or has otherwise simply listed here.
- The Editor of this KB is also a
fanfic author.
Disclosure of this will be in relevant parts of
more-specific KB entries as well.
- He also hosts at least one of another author's stories
in the Fan Fiction portion of his website (Metaforms).
Mention of particular such stories will also be noted
with a disclaimer -- but not other stories by the same author
not hosted at Metaforms.
- Listings here do not necessarily constitute recommendation,
unless something is stated in an Opinions section.
- Listings here do not necessarily indicate what the Editor
has or has not read, or has or does not have in his collection.
Indeed, some listings are those found in brief ads in other fanzines,
convention booklets, or other sources.
- Some stories listed may deal with more mature subject matter.
Since the Editor is often listing names from various sources,
some with nothing more than a story and author name,
he is often unaware of whether or not this is the case.
Many, many stories are actually what could be called G, PG,
or PG-13 in nature,
so the prior sentence should not be a deterent from reading
fan fiction, just a warning.
Note: One of the Fan Fiction Sites
does list ratings for some (all?) stories and occasional
warnings of more notable content situations.
See Also