Maya's Transforms (Intro)
Lists of
molecular transformations -- full or partial -- of
Maya, listed by
While reversions (to her actual humanoid form)
are acts of transformation as well,
each Table lists the alternate forms she
started or completed transformation to.
Some episode titles are shortened or abbreviated.
Some column headings are links to other entries
'sorted' (in some manner) on that column's information.
Some cases where "humor" is noted as her apparent purpose
include mention of the primary target of the humor, in parentheses.
- EpCt = Episode counters: Editor's / in Y2
- ( ) in the "Into What" column = incomplete or partial
- DAB = Days After Breakaway at the start of the episode (i.e. not necessarily when she transformed)
- "lizard" = lizard-like biped
- "gorilla" = a rather alien-looking gorilla
- Alsatian = German Shepherd (dog)
- Rottw. = Rottweiler (dog)
- Ty = Type of transformation, as follows...
- F(ull)
- p(artial) = only part of her changes
- b(egun) but does not complete (stops it herself or stopped)
- ^ = directly from prior alter-form
- ~ = what the Editor terms a "superficial" transformation
(one where she doesn't have a living being in proximity,
but apparently goes off of visual sight/image only).
- - = no image at all (made up)
- \ = forced out of form (by Dorcon anti-metamorph device, or knocked unconscious by stun gun)
See Also