The Return of Victor Bergman (Short Film)
A short fan-produced film scripted by Robert E. Wood and Barry Morse,
featuring a new performance by Barry Morse and clips
(inc. BM and various other actors) from the series.
Directed by Robert E. Wood.
Produced by Anthony Wynn.
- First shown publically at the Journey to Where
convention in July 2010.
- Filmed at Vulkon in Cleveland, Ohio, USA,
sometime in the early or mid 2000's.
- Running time: 8 minutes.
- Script included in the story collection of the same name,
also released at the same location and month.
This story collection
also includes various works of
fan fiction
with focus on Victor.
- A disk was included with the story collection
mentioned in the prior point.
The disk surface incorporated a crescent Moon and
picture of Barry Morse.