The term chosen by Alphans for a kind of large, amorphous
fungus growth discovered growing
on the Moon after it is given an atmosphere
by the inhabitants of the planet called Ariel.
Its exact source is unclear (see Speculation).
- "Amazingly rich in second class protein and
many of the essential vitamins."
- Has some hallucinogenic properties.
- Has recognized potential for growing
"almost limitless crops."
- Very fast-growing fungus spores included in the Ariel capsules.
If so, only seems to grow on moonrock and in semi-sheltered spots;
otherwise it would have been cropping up everywhere.
- Very hardy, fast-growing spores that already landed on the Moon
(somehow) before Breakaway or during post-Breakaway journeys.
- Already existed in grown form even before the
Ariel-provided atmosphere.
This would make them vacuum resistent,
and that they're somehow surviving without air,
in zero pressure, and extremely low temperatures.
- "The Last Sunset": Discovery.
An Eagle expedition in the new lunar atmosphere crashes;
Paul later ends up wandering, starting to die,
and after collapsing in a semi-sheltered spot,
finds it growing there, and starts consuming some of it.
It seems to give him strength (and slake his thirst? VERIFY),
but he later becomes emotionally unstable,
due to the hallucinogenic properties.
The problem and potential are both recognized
by the end of the episode.