Molecular Transformation
The process of being able to transform the molecules and overall
form of a person or object into another form.
- Only the
Psychons seem to have mastery of this,
apparently nascent in their biological form and/or mind
(though it requires some learning to invoke),
but also being able to transform non-living objects
via (at least) a biological computer.
See the Notes, however.
- Individuals with this capability are most typically known as
- A biological computer on
Psychon with the ability
to transform other objects was named
- Metamorphs are known to have limits (see
Maya as a Metamorph for some examples).
- Psyche was built in the attempt to revert an entire planet
from a highly volcanic world to its once far more pristine form.
- Psyche was started with the minds of some Psychons
as the planet died, so perhaps the mental energy (?)
carried some aspect of this ability into the biological computer,
for Mentor to control. Or perhaps the Psychons figured out
some aspect of their own biological ability and learned
to build some technology to echo aspects of that.
Or perhaps much of Psychon is infused with this 'potential'
and it 'just' has to be harnessed, mentally or technologically.
- However, the
Dorcons have a technology capable
of turning matter into energy, reshaping it, transferring it,
and reforming it back into matter.
It is known as a Meson Converter and works at large scale
collections of mass, rather than at the individual level,
and the name seems to imply a different process.
The Dorcons also have means of controlling Psychon