Tony Cellini Steals Eagle 1
Tony Cellini attempts to steal
Eagle 1. This is prevented by
keeping(?) the docking arm attached to the Eagle on the pad;
but a later attempt (covered in this entry) succeeds,
and the Eagle's ultimate fate seems unclear.
- Was to visit the
spaceship graveyard with
John, Victor, Helena, Alan, Tony Cellini, and two(?) others on board.
However, Tony knocked Alan out and
stole Eagle 1 --
except for leaving the pod with everyone else behind.
- Koenig orders Eagles
3 and
4 (to pursue?).
- Eagle 1's former pod is picked up by
Eagle 2
(which had to leave behind its own pod at the time)
to pursue Eagle 1.
- At the Ultra Probe, he detaches Eagle 1's pilot module
and joins it to the Ultra Probe.
- As Eagle 2(?) leaves the scene, near the end of the episode,
the Eagle 1 pilot module is still attached to the Ultra Probe.
The Eagle frame was seen floating away earlier in the episode.
- It is possible, however,
that some people on board Eagle 2, 3, or 4
boarded the Eagle 1 pilot module to rejoin it to its frame
and return it to Alpha.
- If not, however, this Eagle was lost.
The Editor does not consider this a
verifiable loss, however.