Victor's Missions
Prof. Victor Bergman participated
in a number of off-Alpha missions.
- "Breakaway": he is
at Area Two, with
Dr. Russell,
very early in the episode,
checking radiation levels.
- "Breakaway" (again): he heads
to Area Two, via Area One, with
Cmdr. Koenig,
as the latter tries to get a handle
on the pattern of deaths on Alpha.
When Collins goes mad,
Victor throws himself into the fight to prevent
Collins from further damaging the window to space.
- "Earthbound":
Takes some partial scans of the interior of the Kaldorian
ship though its dense hull.
Present when a Kaldorian is accidently killed
as a result of Helena's actions.
Takes part in a brief Kaldorian ceremony
regarding their lost crew member.
- "Full Circle"
- "Infernal Machine": chosen (demanded) by Gwent,
along with John, Helena.
The three go on a Moonbuggy to and into Gwent.
Suffers temporary halt of his artificial heart, revived.
Was going to be only one released by Gwent
(due to his age and "defect"),
but attempts at rescue by Alphans (inc. Alan)
anger Gwent, who then decides to keep Victor
with John and Helena as new Companions.
Victor takes notice of Gwent's key weakness:
running low on power.
- TOA?