Suspended Animation
Ways of greatly slowing or halting biological processes
such that an individual can be put into "sleep"
for long periods of time, such as for extended journeys,
or for other purposes.
This type of alien technology
provokes intense curiosity among the Alphans,
who feel they may need it at some point in their long journey.
- "Earthbound":
The Kaldorians use a computer-controlled suspended animation system.
People are scanned, the information going into a matrix (?)
used to allow the computer to properly calibrate the chamber
for an individual. Failing to do so results in either temporary
suspended animation or none at all
(it is not clear to the Editor,
who needs to re-review this episode,
whether Simmonds
was temporarily suspended or simply fell asleep
of his own accord for a few hours).
Tampering with the chamber can result in the death
(reduction to near ashes) of the subject within.
- "The Exiles": The people of Golos have a means of
wrapping a person in a membrane that works together
with a suspended animation system to preserve the person.
The system appears to be flawed,
as piercing the membrane is enough to cause rapid
aging to the true age of the individual.
- "Dorzak": A
staser developed by the Crotons.
Apparently suspends all cell activity (including decay).