Title of the Supreme Leader of the
Dorcon Empire.
Called "The Archon" in reference.
- Otherwise unnamed Archon,
played by Patrick Troughton.
Attempted to secure
"immortality" via
a organ transplant from an unwilling Maya,
who his Consul, Varda, captured from Alpha.
On the surgical table, before surgery began,
the Archon was killed by his nephew, Malic,
who coveted the throne and the chance of immortality.
- Malic promptly claimed the title,
but lived for only a very brief time afterwards....
He proceeded to shoot Varda after Koenig convinced
Varda of Malic's guilt in killing the former Archon.
As Varda collapsed, a stray shot from her weapon
damaged the Meson Converter,
which led to the destruction
of the Dorcon flagship,
presumably with Malic on board.
- The Archon is not to be confused with an individual,
named Aarchon,
of a different alien people.
Neither is to be confused with the aliens called