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Matter of Life and Death



Second episode (in production order) of Y1. Written by Johnny Byrne; directed by Charles Crichton. Note: Those two were the most prolific in their respective roles in S19 series production. This and "The Metamorph" are the only episodes they were both credited.


Helena's husband, Lee Russell, long thought lost on the Astro 7 mission, is found on board an initial Eagle expedition to a planet dubbed Terra Nova. There are doubts this is really Lee Russell, especially as it becomes unclear what he even is, giving strange medical readings, and being the apparent source of intense electrical disturbances, one of which injures Helena. He issues warnings not to settle the planet, then "dies" (though it is unclear whether he was even alive in the usual sense). Despite the warnings, a second mission is sent to the planet, and despite early promise, is soon totally beset by disaster, but restored by a surprise second appearance of what Helena finds out is (and was earlier in the episode) a sort of 'reflection' of the former Lee Russell. He restores all that she lost minutes before, and attempts to settle Terra Nova end.


