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Breakaway (episode)


The pilot/premiere episode of the series. Written by George Bellak (his only episode). Directed by Lee H. Katzin.


A series of mysterious illnesses and deaths on Moonbase Alpha prompts a new Commander, John Koenig to be posted there, to oversee determining what the "virus" is. Radiation in one of the nuclear disposal areas is suspected, but none is being found, even while preparations continue for the Meta Probe. However, more astronauts are dying, and a new kind of radiation is suspected. Area One suddenly goes up in a moderate firestorm, prompting Koenig to declare an emergency. They attempt to break up and disperse Area Two, which is 140x more massive, but it is futile. A far more massive explosion ensues, which propels the Moon out of orbit and into interstellar space (an event called Breakaway). Koenig decides a direct return to Earth is riskier than trying to survive on the Moon with an essentially intact base, and into deep space they fly, already with hopes of finding a planet.





See Also
