Bridge Two, by David Welle


SPACE: 1999

Abridged Version

Second abridgement that was
released in October 2010.
Note: in terms of length,
this is still a long novel.

Browse to the first part   Browse to the second part
Browse to the third part   Browse to the fourth part
Browse to the index page

Unabridged Version

This is a very long novel,
released in parts in 2009.
Has even more detail, more
characters and more character
development, some additional
thematic material and plot.
ePub version is planned.

Browse to the first part   Browse to the second part
Browse to the third part   Browse to the fourth part
Browse to the index page

This not-for-profit amateur/fan publication
is designed for entertainment purposes only,
and is not intended to infringe upon the rights of
Gerry Anderson, ATV, ITC, Polygram, Carlton, Granada,
or any other current or future copyright holders of Space: 1999.

Includes an original composite/composition art
partially based on an Apollo 16 photograph
(from a webpage at

Bridge Two — story, poetry, and artwork —
Copyright ©2009, David M. Welle (Space: 1999 Metaforms),
and may not be reproduced or published without consent of author/artist.

Many thanks to Meredith for exhaustive review of this story,
and suggesting corrections, ideas, and other improvements.

This novel is part of the
Bridges and Anchorages
series of fan fiction stories.

Status Update (2009/06/23): Story is now completely released (unabridged).
Status Update (2009/07/03): Abridged version added; see explanation above.
Status Update (2010/07/24): Index added, buttons changed, minor text fixes.
Status Update (2010/10/10): Second abridgement; plus prep for ePub version.

Began earlier version of the story in 1992.